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McMullen County ISD

Home of the Cowboys and Cowgirls

Safety Concerns

McMullen County ISD Reporting Safety Concerns
This report allows our students, parents, and stakeholders to report any safety concerns related to our campus, students, and teachers. The report you make can be anonymous and will be reported directly to a school administrator. All reports will be looked into between 8:00am - 4:00pm each day.

Notice: Making false reports is a crime and violators will be turned over to local law enforcement.

Notice: If your concern is an emergency requiring immediate attention, please call 911. Switch account
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Nature of Concern: Please select from the following options. If "Other" please include a description. *
Please describe the location of the incident, including date and time. *
If you know what grade level(s) the incident is occuring pleasee select from below. If unsure, please select the "other" box and provide description. *
Please provde as much details about the incident as possible. If there are witnesses, please include their names so we may complete a thurough investigation. *
Optional: Name of person reporting incident
Optional: Contact information of person reporting incident. (Pnone Number, Email Address)
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