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McMullen County ISD

Home of the Cowboys and Cowgirls

Final Exams and the End to the 1st Semester

Posted Date: 1/03/25 (7:36 PM)

Students will return to school on January 7th, and take semester exams on January 7th and 8th that were orginally scheduled to be taken on December 19th and 20th.  All students will be expected to take the exams unless you had already been exempted prior to the Christmas break.  Teachers will give exams during the regularly scheduled classes, and students may take the exams over the two designated days.  Semester grade averages will be either their semester exam grade or the average of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 6 weeks, whichever grade is higher.  The 3rd 6 weeks has been extended to Wednesday, January 8th. The 3rd 6-weeks and the 1st semester will officially end at 3:50 on January 8th. If a student has been absent, all of those makeup grades and exams need to be finalized by the end of the 6-weeks.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at